Thursday, April 3, 2014

R is for Rain

At circle today I read this beautifully, lyrical story
If you have never read it, you really should.  It's on of the best written children's book with care given to each word choice.

I gave each child a long, blue section of crepe paper streamers and turned on this song

Then we made rain R

We painted rain pictures next.  I gave the children strips of blue paper for them to cut.  They painted blue on their paper by bumping the brush across their paper, then glued their blue bits to make rain pictures.

My youngest is fifteen months so not yet ready for scissors so he simply painted but he really loved it.

We made a rainbow art.  I like these dot pages which are intended to be used with pom poms or little magnetic dots but I use them with Q-tips and paint to help the children with eye hand coordination in addition to the magnetic dots.

The children found this R is for rain color page waiting for them when they woke from nap.

Then we practiced writing our Rr's with this worksheet

We LOVE rain.

Hope you enjoyed our day as much as did we.

See you soon
Ms. P

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

R is for Race Cars and Roads

We enjoyed this book at circle time today
Then we got busy making our racing car art.

I made some road R's for the children to drive their race cars on while we made the Rrrr sound.

Here is the link to the letter roads.  There is one for every letter of the alphabet, upper and lower case.

I printed out some cars and trucks from a google search and let the children color them then we cut them out.  I made smaller R roads and let the children glue their cars and trucks to their road R's.

I did a google search for images of blank game boards and found a perfect race car one, printed off four, one for each child.  The children would roll the die, count the dots, and move their race car that many spaces.

The children had a blast.

After nap and practicing our names we did this race car worksheet

See you tomorrow
Ms. P